Casa de Restauración
Home Restoration
Domestic violence can happen to any women regardless of her age, strength, income, education, or marital status.
Manantial is committed to building a Home of Restoration in the city of Toronto to address the extreme need of housing and support services for women and children, victims of domestic violence.
Help Manantial to establish the Home.
A charitable tax receipt will be issued for any donations over $20.
Thank you for your kindness and support.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger from domestic violence, call 911 or your local emergency services. Otherwise, you can access the resources below by clicking on the link:
Government of Canada
Find family violence prevention services in your area
What to do if someone you know is being abused
Canadian Women’s Foundation
Shelters, other services, and information that may be helpful to you.
Tip Sheet #1: How to help someone living with violence
Tip Sheet #2: Support for abused women
211 connects people with the appropriate information and services to enable people to fully engage in their communities.